Why do you have to have table limits?

During busy times, we have table limits in place to give everyone a fair chance of enjoying some time with us. We specify the table limit on each table and we do not enforce the table limit if there is nobody waiting. Table limits are totally normal within the hospitality industry, so if we are busy and you have used your allocated time, please try to remember how you feel whilst waiting for a table :)

Why don't you take bookings for any less than 8 people?

We take bookings for groups of 8+ via phone or email We trialled a booking system for smaller parties and found that we had multiple issues including a lot of no shows without any communication, people regularly booking for 6 but turning up with 2 or 3 plus our team received multiple accounts of abuse over table booking issues.

So, we no longer take bookings unless you are a party of 8 or more. If you are a group of 12+ we suggest hiring our private dining room, where we have multiple options available to you. 

Why do we have to wait outside when queuing for a table?

During peak times, if there is a queue, we ask that customers wait outside to keep our space & service areas clear, which keeps our team safe whilst serving hot food and drinks. 

We do understand waiting outside is not an ideal situation when it’s cold/raining or if you have elderly people or babies in your group and we want to help, so we have a buzzer system where you can secure your place in the queue. This means you can park close to the building and wait in your car, or wait under our shelter area built especially for the queue. Where possible, we advise that one person arrives 10-15 minutes before the group if waiting could be an issue. 

If we allow one group of people to wait inside, it is hard for us to then say others can't. The space can very quickly become congested which causes us multiple problems. 

Why don't you open on Sundays? 

Sunday is our day of rest! 

Do you sell gift vouchers? 

We do! You can purchase gift vouchers at our shop for any monetary value. If you would like to purchase a gift voucher for someone but are unable to visit Folk in person, please email - we can send you a payment link and post the voucher to either you or the recipient.

Why don't you take cash? 

 For multiple reasons and after careful consideration, Folk has been a cashless business since 2019 and it is the right decision for us. 

Why can't we eat takeaways on Folk premises? 

Take away prices are different to eat in prices as they have a different rate of VAT, this is because they are to be taken away from the business premises.

Similarly to the waiting inside issue, and with any policy, if we were to allow the odd person to eat take away on site, it creates a ‘they are doing it so why can’t we do it’ issue. 

If you are consuming our products on site, we consider it ‘eating in’, if you are choosing to ‘take away’, you actually need to take it away. 

Are you open over Christmas? 

We close annually over Christmas and New Year to give our entire team a much needed break. 

This year (2024) we close at 4pm on Tuesday 24th (Christmas Eve) and reopen on Tuesday 7th at 8.30am.